UK Sport and the DCMS have recently published ‘A Stage to Inspire’. This is an essential guide for National Governing Bodies and Host Cities seeking to bid for and stage major sports events in the UK.
The document highlights the benefits that hosting major sporting events can deliver. Most obvious is the significant sporting benefit, both in terms of home advantage for current elite athletes and inspiring greater participation. In addition, events can help deliver direct economic impacts through visitor spending and promote the UK globally as a destination.
The UK-level support provided through UK Sport and DCMS is intended to complement the activity of local, regional and national event organisations, including the UK’s major event hosting cities and the Scottish and Welsh Governments. The UK has a strong track record in developing partnerships across such organisations, and this approach has been the successful formula behind many major international events that have been brought to or are destined for the UK.
UK Sport and DCMS have identified 14 key areas to help sports bid for and stage major events. Seven of these will support sports with the bidding process, including assistance towards feasibility studies, business planning, political endorsement, and technical bidding advice. The Sports Consultancy has successfully supported UK Sport, DCMS and National Governing Bodies in the UK with these services in recent years, including major event feasibility and major event business planning support.
Simon Molden commented, “The Sports Consultancy welcomes UK Sport and DCMS providing this strategic guidance and support to National Governing Bodies of Sport and host cities that are seeking to attract major sports events to the UK. Maximising the economic and sporting benefits of hosting major sports events is a key element of the London 2012 legacy. However, decisions on bidding for major sports events must be based on a sound analysis of the business case and feasibility. The stages set out in this guidance provide clear direction for those considering bidding, from feasibility through to delivery.”
A copy of ‘A Stage to Inspire’ can be accessed via UK Sport’s Website at