Property management and development group Places for People
The deal will see both companies grow their leisure and facilities management services, alongside other housing and development activity in communities across the UK. As part of the acquisition DC Leisure will keep its existing identity, Board, and governance structures, but operate as a subsidiary of Places for People.
Places for People currently works in 230 local authorities, owning or managing 82,000 properties. DC Leisure manages more than 100 leisure facilities on behalf of 28 local authorities.
Steve Philpott, CEO of DC Leisure, said: “This will be a pioneering partnership – the first time a housing provider has joined forces with a leisure provider.
“It’s going to be an exciting and unique adventure for us all which will create many new opportunities to improve the communities we serve.
“We attract 25 million visits each year, have built 10 new leisure centres over the last six years and, most importantly, we are improving the health and wellbeing of the communities we serve by getting them physically active.”
David Cowans, group chief executive of Places for People, added: “The mutual commitment of Places for People and DC Leisure to improving places and communities was the driver for the acquisition.
“Our focus is on making places work. Whether we are involved in the creation of a new community or regeneration of an existing neighbourhood we have a long-term interest in adding value to places and providing people with facilities such as new schools, shops, leisure, and job opportunities which add value to a place.”